Crushing Tip #10

Feeling like your next project is eternally halting your growth? We all hit plateaus. Thankfully, Joey Burns has a suggestion.

While he’s traversing the walls, we have a short conversation about his climbing. Joey credits his (freakish) abilities to, what else? Traversing. “If you’re a new climber, the best thing you can do is traverse,” Joey explains. “Traversing helps me get past all my plateaus, from V1 to V2, from V4 to V5.” Aside from providing an endless series of climbing problems, traversing is extremely helpful in the endurance department. “It’s what helped me – especially when I was a new climber.” Looking to further improve your climbing? Check out our Private Lessons or ProRock Coaching programs.

Looking to further improve your climbing? Check out our Private Lessons or ProRock Coaching programs